Affiliation with Trinity College London

Our school, Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Academy, is affiliated to Trinity College London (TCL), a renowned international examination board for the Performing Arts and the English Language since 1877.

We offer TCL courses for both fields. Click on the links below for more information:

a)  English Language & Communication Skills
     - Graded Examinations in English (GESE)
     - Speech Communication Arts (SCA)
     - Communication Skills

b)  Music
     - Piano (Grade 1-8)
     - Vocal

c)  Theatre & Performing Arts
     - Young Performers Certificates (YPC)
     - Speech & Drama
     - Musical Theatre & Performing Arts

Our Syllabus & Trinity College London Certificates
Our academy follows the TCL syllabus and our students may register to take a Trinity assessment. Upon passing an assessment, a graded certificate will be issued by TCL. Each year over 700,000 candidates in over 60 countries take a Trinity assessment and their international network is growing fast. Trinity exams and assessments are designed to help students progress. They inspire learners and mark their achievement at each stage of their development and at all levels of competence.

The exams focus on assessing skills and how effectively the candidates can apply what they have learnt, not just on knowledge for its own sake. We also encourage candidates to bring their own choices and interests into our exams — this motivates students and makes the assessment more relevant and enjoyable.

Trinity exams are regulated by Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) and recognised around the world.

At the heart of Trinity’s work is the support they provide for teachers, both in terms of specific support for teachers preparing candidates for their exams, and more general teacher development. Their work with teachers is supported by a growing international network of relationships with key education institutions. This ensures that their teachers have access to the best professional development available.

Accreditation, qualifications & standards
Trinity qualifications are assessed to the same standards across approximately 60 countries by trained panels of examiners who work internationally to ensure the consistent application of criteria and procedures.

Trinity’s academic and operational staff, who are based at a head office in London, oversee the running of examination sessions and have responsibility for the quality assurance of assessment processes and syllabuses. This work is scrutinised, monitored and reviewed by a number of regulatory authorities worldwide which aim to ensure the quality of education and examinations within their respective countries.

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Trinity is recognised by the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) and the Welsh Assembly Government.

More information about the Trinity College London can be found at:

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