Michael Law Ming Wai


Michael Law Ming Wai (羅銘偉), former Hong Kong TVB and ATV artiste, popular programme host and singer, graduated from the prestigious La Salle College in Hong Kong.

He won the Champion title at the Asia Pacific Singing Contest and was a Runner-Up at the Grand Final that was organised by RTV (now ATV). He is known for playing the male lead role in a Chinese production movie titled "A Widow's Romance" [ 好女不愁嫁 ].

His talent is not confined to only singing and acting. Apart from his performing roles, Michael Law is also an outstanding emcee. He used to be a programme host for both of the cinema giants in Hong Kong; TVB and ATV. Michael was also invited to be the emcee for the United Nation's Forum.

He has organised and sung in many concerts. A compassionate individual in wanting to serve others, Michael participated in countless charity and fundraising activities. He was also nominated for the 2013/2014 Universal Achievement Awards in the United States.

Michael Law's outstanding performance at his roles as an emcee, singer, entertainer and actor has gained him an international recognition and a place in the distinguished full-length documentary 
serial titled "Chinese Today" ["今日華人" 文獻]. 

Truly passionate about the performing arts, Michael Law is still going strong in his fields. More charitable events are coming his way and he strives to deliver a performance better than before each and every time. He is still active in singing at concerts, hosting various programmes and emceeing at prominent events in Hong Kong and abroad.  

His motto is: "There is no such thing as the best, just try being better than the rest.
(世上沒有最好  。只求做到更好!)

He is part of our panel of Honorary Patrons to advise us on matters related to the Performing Arts and Music.

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