SM Yoga on NTV7 - Lower Hypertension and Cholesterol Levels
HoLiNex TV, HoLiNex TV: NTV7 06:50
Sandhya Maarga Yoga on NTV7 "Good Morning Tai Tai (活力早晨)" TV Show (November 6, 2015)
NTV7 Good Morning Tai Tai (活力早晨) - Sandhya Maarga Yoga
Instructor: Wong Eileen
November 6, 2015 - Seniors are more likely to develop hypertension and high cholesterol levels. Try these easy Yogasanas taught to Malaysia's award-winning actress Jan Chin to help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
For more health tips, don't forget to follow our FB Page:
Join us every Friday on NTV7's show "Good Morning Tai Tai" to get acquainted with the Sandhya Maarga Yoga system. - (Visit for more information about the Yoga courses)
Posted by Group of SM Administrators
on 06:50.
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HoLiNex TV,
HoLiNex TV: NTV7
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