Our Facilities at the Sandhya Maarga Centre

We at Sandhya Maarga know that ambience and quality play very important roles in boosting students' experience while taking our courses. Every effort has been made to ensure that our students gain the best experience that they can from enrolling in our wide range of courses. With our facilities, students can be rest assured that they will learn the skills and knowledge that they need.

NOTE: Please click on any photograph to view the large version.


Meditation Hall

Main Yoga Hall

Main Yoga Hall - Live it up with Yoga:

Main Yoga Hall - Planetarium Effect Ceiling for Savasana.

Main Yoga Hall - Planetarium Effect Ceiling for Savasana.

Main Yoga Hall - Yoga Mats Storage Area:

Main Yoga Hall - Storage Shelves for Students:

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Corner

Scent helps set the mood anywhere we go. To induce an ambience of tranquility, we use essential oils. We diffuse relevant essential oils for specific classes. Our entire range of essential oils & aromatherapy collection is worth more than USD$3,000. Our investment in such a wide range of essential oils will particularly benefit our Diploma in Aromatherapy (International) students.

Reading Corner
(Beautiful decorative shelf items & ornaments for a peaceful & uplifting ambience)

(Reading Corner: Books for students to read)

(Reading Corner: Enrich your life with these books for both Mind and Soul)

Natural Cafe & Students' Hangout Area

Welcome to our Penthouse View Hangout Area for our visitors & students. Sit down, relax, order any of our healthy snacks & juice boosters, and share the moment with your friends. You can even pick a book or magazine from our 'Reading Corner' to enrich your mind as you enjoy the soothing ambience.

The view from our humble top-floor balcony:

Recording Studio

Welcome to our homely & comfortable recording studio:

These are photographs of the professional condenser microphone and the microphone diffuser that we use to record vocal & instruments:

Studio lighting allows the singer / performer in our studio to 'feel' the music:

The view of the studio from across the glass panel,
separating the recorder & the recorded:

Music & Drama Stage (Performing Arts Area)

 Our Stage:

Yamaha Piano:

Some of our ceiling stage lighting:

The different lighting effects:

Lecture Hall

This is our lecture hall. Our lecture hall can accommodate more students than shown in the images below when the partition is removed:

Therapy Lesson Hall

This is where our students for our Natural Health courses learn their practical lessons. Equipped with high-quality therapy couches and items that they need, our students unleash the therapist potential in them:

Therapy Room

Therapy room with soothing ambience (low lighting, music & aroma diffuser):

Ultrasonic aroma diffuser with soothing light decoration to boost ambience.

Therapy Trolley equipped with essential oils and other therapy tools (e.g. cupping items).

General Areas Around the Academy

(Main Entrance: Welcome Life Warriors / Students!)

(Balcony: Shoe storage area for visitors)

(Balcony: Life is full of choices. You can either kindly keep your shoes in this designated locker or scrub the floor!)

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Sandhya Maarga Aqua Yoga NTV7 Interview


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