Musical Theatre and Performing Arts (TCL)
Musical Theatre and Performing Arts, Performing Arts Courses 11:55
Learn how to engage the audience with your talent in acting, singing and dancing. Join our stage productions, learn all about stage props, stage-setting, script-writing etc. Showcase your performing talent by performing live on stage where there are no retakes.
Musical Theatre is one of the fastest growing areas of interest within the dramatic arts. The Trinity Musical Theatre Syllabus recognises this and supports development in musical theatre training internationally. The syllabus integrates well with other programmes and examinations in performance.
Grade and Certificate Exams in Musical Theatre and Performance Arts by Trinity College London available.
To enrol for or enquire about this course, call +6(018)-205 1255.
This course is following the Trinity College London syllabus
Musical Theatre
Grade examinations in Musical Theatre are available for solo, pair, and group work. The three disciplines that are examined in these syllabuses are singing, acting, and movement but, as is the nature of musical theatre, candidates need to demonstrate their ability in these skills through integrative performance. At all levels the syllabus offers a wide choice for selection of performance material which may include material from the candidate's own country or culture.
The Musical Theatre Syllabus is available for all ages and levels from Grade 1 to Grade 8 and Diplomas (see Musical Theatre Diplomas). Opportunities for young learners under the age of seven are provided by the Young Performers' Certificate option (see under Performance Certificates).
Performance Arts
Performance Arts is an innovative Trinity College London syllabus that offers students in all performance arts the opportunity to demonstrate their achievement in a wide range of skills.
Performance Arts is a subject that includes any kind of recognised performance skill, for example: acting, singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, speaking poetry or prose, mime, puppetry, classical or folk song, stage fighting, juggling, clowning, performing as a comic, performing magic, script-writing, make-up, video, costume and set design, puppet-making, direction
Candidates wide-ranging skills in the performance arts may find enjoyment and a sense of achievement in having their accomplishments recognised and rewarded through presenting themselves for assessment in this syllabus, which is available for Grades 1–8.
Posted by Sandhya Maarga Mission
on 11:55.
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Musical Theatre and Performing Arts,
Performing Arts Courses
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