Young Performers Certificate (TCL)

Confidence should be instilled in children from a young age so that they grow up to be able to speak in public and practice effective communication skills. Although not many Asian countries recognise how Drama studies can positively impact a child's life, it still is one of the best ways to stimulate a child's creativity. By participating in Drama, a child learns the core and soft skills of how to work together as a team, expand their imagination and express their creativity.

Our Young Performers Certificate (YPC) course uses the Trinity College London syllabus:
It encourages performance skills and taps  into their latent creativity and gives the child many opportunities for role-playing. Their creativity is properly stimulated and directed through imaginative movement, music and voice. Your child's progress will be appraised against internationally applied standards.

When your child is ready, s/he is also able to enrol for the Trinity College London's YPC examination. Upon completion of the course, students who complete the examination will receive either the Bronze, Silver or Gold certificate.

Your child may also opt to sit for Trinity College London's GESE examination upon completion of this course. GESE examinations will assess your child's speaking and listening skills. The oral examinations are usually conducted one-to-one with a native English-speaking Trinity examiner who travels from the UK.

Enrol your children in this course to allow them to develop confidence, group interaction skills and a sense of achievement as they allow their creativity to flow freely.
Age requirement: Children up to the age of 7 only.

To enrol for or enquire about this course, please call +6(018)-205 1255.

This course is following the Trinity College London syllabus

The YPC course encourages young children to develop performance, musical and communication skills as they create and explore stories, songs, roles and situations through the imaginative and integrated use of movement, music, voice and artwork.

GESE exams on the other hand are designed to complement general English language courses, and focus on building confidence and motivation in English language communication. 

The exams take the form of an unscripted conversation with a Trinity examiner, which covers a range of topics and tasks. They are open to anyone aged 5 or older and are designed to be inclusive and relevant to every learner.

As they move up the grades, candidates undertake tasks that require a more advanced use of language. At higher grades, they are expected to take more responsibility for developing and directing the conversation, rather than simply responding to a series of questions.

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