SM Yoga on NTV7 - Cleansing the Urinary System

Sandhya Maarga Yoga on NTV7 "Good Morning Tai Tai (活力早晨)" TV Show (May 15, 2015)

NTV7 Good Morning Tai Tai (活力早晨) - Sandhya Maarga Yoga
Instructor: Wong Eileen

May 15, 2015 - Urinary incontinence (otherwise also known as bladder incontinence) is becoming more common but it is rarely talked about. People may not be able to hold urine for a longer period of time as they age. Some may even urinate when they laugh or speak a little louder than usual. Learn these few basic asanas from Sandhya Maarga Yoga instructor Wong Eileen and you will be on your way to strengthen the bladder.

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