SM Yoga on NTV7 - Strengthening and Developing Muscles

Sandhya Maarga Yoga on NTV7 "Good Morning Tai Tai (活力早晨)" TV Show (May 22, 2015)

NTV7 Good Morning Tai Tai (活力早晨) - Sandhya Maarga Yoga
Instructor: Master Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

May 22, 2015 - When fat is converted into muscles, one loses weight and becomes leaner. When muscles are properly developed, the fat-burning process can become automatic and that is why the fat becomes fatter, and the fit becomes fitter when there is regular exercise. Furthermore, strong healthy muscles are required for movement. Here are some asanas that can help you strengthen and develop your muscles because if you don't use them, you'll lose them.

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