Sandhya Maarga Yoga for Parkson Group Employees
Features, Newsroom 11:51
May 28, 2015
SANDHYA MAARGA was invited to conduct a Yoga lecture and demonstration for the Parkson Group employees this morning at their office in Klang Parade.
Participants were introduced to the wonderful world of Yoga. Master Genevieve Tan Shu Thung, our founder, revealed the fundamentals of the practice of Yoga and tackled the myths that surround this therapeutic health art. Participants were reminded of the ultimate goal of Yoga when she said, "The final aim of Yoga practice is not about bending into extreme postures but to gradually break the barriers in your mind. When your mind becomes flexible, so does your body."
After the Yoga lecture, the Parkson Group employees were then invited to participate in a short early morning Yoga session. The group, consisting of many whom never practice Yoga before, attempted some simple postures such as the Utkatasana (Chair Pose). To end the session, we also got participants to practice a few exercises of Hasyayoga (Laughter Yoga) to lighten their mood and start their day with a positive note.
It was an amazing sight to see so many people from different races and backgrounds participate with an open heart and an open mind.